Your Problem Isn't A Lack Of

Money, Skill, Effort, Or, Even Time!

How An Ex-Celebrity Talent Scout Who Meditated For One Year in silence Can Help You Discover Your Purpose...

And Use It To Join

The “Inspirational A-List”...

And Achieve Long-Lasting

Financial Freedom

Without The Stress And Burden Of Being In The Limelight!

Work with me: Let’s Inspire Millions together!

We LOVE helping big thinkers, thought leaders, visionaries, and experts get paid for their purpose. We know it’s the only way we can truly create lasting positive changes in the world.

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The “Inspirational A-listers” you see so often at the center of public attention…

… being interviewed by Oprah, Ellen, and featured in Forbes, the Huffington post, or the New York Times...

… sharing their story with millions in a TED talk or gracing best seller lists ...…

… or even to deliver riveting speeches on global stages that call for change...

Did NOT get there by accident.

Nor did they get there because of their powerful message or story to share with the world.

And it wasn’t because they were immensely talented, either.

Of course these basics are NECESSARY for reaching any level of influence… but not everything.

Everyone is born with a purpose that can change the world. Everyone is worthy of impacting millions of lives…

However, only a handful of people actually do it – at best.

Luck can sometimes give a little boost but you need a strong foundation to make the luck last.

And as the days of sitting around waiting to be discovered are over… trust me – I’m 100% confident that you can STILL get there just as well.

So if it’s not any of the glamorous, “hypey” stuff, and waiting to be found doesn’t work...

Then what sets the Inspirational A-list

apart from the rest?

It’s actually pretty straightforward.

The use of proven systems that work to sustain a perfect balance between four key pillars:

I know this because for more than a decade, my job was to help Hollywood titans representing the world’s top celebrities and public figures.

In that time, I’ve produced festivals and live concerts around the world with stars like Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Pitbull, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Cirque Du Soleil performers, David Guetta and countless world class DJs...

And helped respected thought leaders get paid 5-6 figures per 40-minute speech, such as:

… and many more.

I was the right hand go-to person for these high-level influencers. I have insider knowledge of how they think, behave, and act.

But I don’t say this to brag or anything.

And that achieving their level of influential fame actually isn’t as far-fetched as you’d think.

But most people believe once they become successful (whatever that means to them on their own terms) they’re going to feel DEEPLY fulfilled, 24/7.

Then, once they achieve some level of that success, they quickly realize they don’t actually feel that satisfied.

Heck, the feeling itself fades away just as quickly.

So they think it must be an even bigger goal that will get them that inner feeling of contentment and happiness.

Sometimes people don’t have the right foundation to launch from, however, so they get stuck figuring out how to reach their fullest potential and are left in this permanent, self-perpetuating state of unhappiness.

But that’s not even the worst part: They have a deep-rooted belief that stuff like money, validation, and acceptance will actually do the trick.

So they squander away massive amounts of time and resources trying to find fulfillment in all the wrong places.

Unknowingly, they’re chasing a feeling of pleasure that is only ever experienced once they get the “next big thing”.

What they fail to realize, however, is that they’re after nothing

except a fleeting high… that NEVER lasts.

Look, here’s the deal:

Nothing material can truly fulfill a human being.

Like, ever.

Me and so many others have already gone through what it’s like to experience that kind of disillusionment… (it was fun but there’s always a price to pay for it, more about that in a moment)

YOU probably already know what it’s like to “have it all” on the outside. You have a nice car, live in a great place, have great friends, and seem pretty happy most of the time.


You know there’s still something missing on the inside.

That you can do more… but you don’t quite know what or even how.

What you’re really looking for is your PURPOSE… and a way to convey it to an audience that awakens something deep inside of them.

It’s about doing something meaningful for others. Because if you’ve helped one person before… you sure as heck can help many, many more.

And when you have a strong sense of contribution, a clear path to leave a legacy, and actualize your ability to change hundreds, thousands, or even millions of lives for the better?

You’ll see what I mean by achieving true fulfillment.

But to do so you must get ready, seen, and heard first. You can’t just decide to change the world on a whim or chance.

This means it’s time to RISE as a respected thought leader, paradigm shifter, and innovative game-changer.

How to Create The

Most Powerful Positioning

in The 21st Century

Ever had this nagging feeling that there’s this invisible glass ceiling over your income, your ability to influence others, and your overall growth?

You can’t quite put a finger on what it is… but it’s like this suffocating voice in the back of your mind that seems hellbent on keeping you under a certain level of visibility.

Here’s the kicker, though:

There is NO glass ceiling.

That’s right – it’s all just an illusion to keep you boxed in by putting a bogus halo effect on your dreams… keeping them exactly that, dreams.

As if feeling content with your life and being ultra-aligned with your purpose belonged only to this distant dream world...

It’s a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle.

But here’s a little secret that explains why most people are destined to NEVER see through that illusion.

You can have all the strategies in the world… all the tactics, techniques, and yadda yadda yadda peddled by all the self-help and business gurus in the market right now...

But if you don’t start with the foundation – the thing that really matters underneath it all…

Then nothing is going to change.

Of course, I'm talking about that voice chattering away in your head.


Yourself 5 years into the future.

You’ve finally realized your full potential.

You’ve become the YOU that is unstoppable.

The YOU that turns heads every time you walk into a room because of the captivating waves of energy radiating from you and affecting everyone you come across.

The you that is grounded, extraordinary, and rarely unfazed by whatever situation life throws your way.

We’ve all seen those kinds of people before.

Have you ever wondered why there’s so few of them, though?


It’s because being at the top is uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable. Shedding old habits, behavior patterns, and limiting beliefs is not an easy process.

Most people don’t even know they’re choosing to stay comfortable... so they never get to see the road ahead of them because of their psychological blindspots.

Look, I’ll be completely honest with you.

Reaching your fullest potential…

… is going to be the most difficult journey you’ll ever embark on in your entire life... but also, the most rewarding

Provided you’re brave enough to venture into the unknown.

Because it is mostly the unknown. Doing things like

That stuff comes with its own set of unpredictability.

And all of that’s going to be par for the course as a true visionary.


So it’s left for people like you...

The ones less inclined to stay in their comfort zone and

more inclined to carve their own paths...

To lead others out of their comfort zone.

So if you truly ARE committed to living life on the edge… you’re already 99% ahead of the bystanders.

And once you find someone who will be your right hand go-to person who can make it all happen? Who stands behind you and has a proven system to follow that helps you share your status-quo-disrupting ideas with the world...

… You’ll be AMAZED at the change that not only affects the people in your life...

But especially the one that happens on a GLOBAL scale.

“I took another course that helped me launch a business but never did it as it wasn’t in alignment with who I am. Then, a few months after working with Karin, she helped me get clarity and create a lifelong business plan aligned with my soul and connect with people in an authentic way. So I went from having no business to a full business with clients, I have no email list and no social media following but enrolled 15 people in my first program ever and got 20x private clients.

UPDATE 3 YEARS LATER: My company officially crossed the 7-figure mark because the foundation was set from my work with Karin!"

Makhosi Pitts

So what if I told you there’s a way to make an extraordinary living through YOUR purpose, contribute to the well-being of the planet... and feel completely fulfilled while you’re at it?

Let’s go back to when I said that people think things like money, validation, and acceptance will make them happy, because...

I was one of those people.

In fact, I was the most stubborn person you would’ve ever known.

After growing up broke with no friends and my confidence in shambles… Well, you can imagine my level of unhappiness.

So I did nothing but chase one shiny object after the next to fill that inner void.

The next person’s approval. The next paycheck. The next trip. It was always the next thing.

My desperation had worked itself up into one big HOT mess...

But absolutely nothing changed how I felt inside… which, frankly, was pure misery.

I kept going and going until I reached a breaking point and decided to step away from everything.

I traveled to a monastery in Myanmar (aka Burma) to do some serious soul searching.

Anything that had the connotation of “materialism” behind it was left behind.

In fact, once I got there I shaved my head and took a vow of silence for a whole YEAR.

I was THAT desperate. I’d been feeling so miserable on the inside… even though I had experienced all the success and glamour I falsely thought would fulfill me.

What I discovered there was life-changing for me and so many others that I’ve helped as their Talent Scout turned Business & Spiritual Coach over the years.


Things like getting on all the big stages, standing in the bright lights, and being on the receiving end of all those booming rounds of applause…

All that is wonderful.

In fact, you do need those things to some extent if you’re going to make a big impact… and I totally support that. It shows that you’re putting yourself out there enough in order to be recognized as a leader.

But since everyone has a gift that people will eagerly pay for with their hard-earned dollars....

And since the word is out on how to cash in on your talents and their passions – and the best of the best are making a really, really good living off of them...

If you want to take things to the next level of greatness, get crystal clear on your purpose and channel your life experiences to help others…

You have to get the right people in your corner… ummm, like yesterday.

It’s my purpose to democratize fame and help people just like you merge their purpose, passions, interests and skills into one cohesive, impactful, & wealth-creating business...

Without sacrificing a single aspect of their cozy lifestyle.

This takes commitment, however.

But I’d like to think that if you’ve read this far, you’re already prepared to step into that unstoppable future version of yourself TODAY.

So if you’re...

Tired of feeling stuck trying to get

global recognition for your revolutionary ideas...

Exhausted from that incessant, nagging feeling

of burn-out or unfulfillment…

Rejecting the notion of taking any more crap

from anyone else who thinks they’re better than you…

Frustrated from not having a Hollywood

expert helping you

monetize your boldest ideas and stories...

Carrying that heavy feeling of disappointment because

you have SO MUCH potential that you’re letting go to waste…

"I made $8,000 USD in the first 2 weeks of working with Karin!

Now I have more free time to spend with my kids and use my voice

to empower women who want to speak their truth too"

Christine Miskinis

When I worked as a talent scout, I had to review thousands of profiles.

The most qualified ones got paid half a million dollars to give a 40-minute speech.

Sometimes it would even be $6 million for a two-hour performance.

Here’s where it gets really interesting, though…

Most of these “limelight stars” were average people, once. They had the exact same drive that you have.

But very few had life-changing breakthroughs. Most just couldn’t sustain whatever modicum of success they had achieved.

And as I watched these “who’s who” of the biggest influencers rise to worldly stardom and success, I identified a couple patterns that I later realized made ALL the difference:

1. Success doesn’t happen by accident

The world’s most influential people use PROVEN SYSTEMS to create their influence and wealth. They lay out PLANS and execute accordingly.

2. Your purpose is your profit

Learning the art of charging high-ticket prices (6 or 7 figures) for your products or services allows you to stand firmly in your true value as a global Thought Leader.

3. Achieving global fame is a strategic process

All inspirational A-listers master the strategies in the 5-step Purposely Famous system to build their brand, create passive income, get mainstream media exposure, and secure A-List opportunities and

6 to 7-figure sponsorships and investment deals.

4. You need a Hollywood insider guiding you to the top

Your story, appearance, connections and even your wealth isn’t enough. Only someone that knows the secrets of celebrities and public figures first hand can help you get the recognition that you deserve.

5. Investing in a mentor multiplies your cash and… your emotional ROI

Only an experienced mentor can help you reach the coveted “breakthrough” point in your income and purposeful fame, but the most rewarding part will always be how much you’ve grown personally.

Once I realized all of this, I combined all my years working in Hollywood, my experience growing an online Thought Leadership based business, and a long list of observations and industry secrets…

Into ONE cohesive system that lays it all out for you.

But it took me years and years of trial and error, and so much unnecessary blood, sweat, and tears to put this all together.

Which is why going at it alone is NOT a feasible option.

Success cannot land in your lap because it looks like it’s so easy for everyone else to do on their own (FYI… it’s not!).

You need an expert’s voice to point you in the right direction – especially when it’s like the wild, wild west for ALL influencers out there. (Unfortunately, less than 1% make it to the top)

The feedback and advice you’ll receive built from decades of firsthand experience cannot be substituted for any alternative, because trust me, just like everyone else... you HAVE blind spots.

(If you didn’t need the help of an expert, you’d have already made it, right?)

Every single Inspirational A-lister had someone behind the scenes with Hollywood insider information helping them make a global impact.

So, my question to you is…

This is why I’d like us to work together.

You’ll learn how to use the timeless success principles found in the system I developed & package everything into a Thought Leadership Brand and Master Plan that quickly puts you on the map.

You’ll also identify what you need to find your SUPER FANS (you can't get anywhere without this core group of followers), and learn how to use the strategies that Fortune 500 companies and Celebrities use to go from unknown to Purposely Famous.

It’ll be your base of operations from which you’ll then align all of your revenue streams with your purpose… making you the GO-TO person for whatever your heart desires.

Because when you work with someone like me, you’ll learn everything you need to make success on your terms a practical inevitability.



“I feel incredibly lucky to be working with Karin for my business and life! What makes Karin unique is she has the perfect combination of business savvy and a psychological mindset that allows me to step up and really live into my purpose for my work- which is to help change the consciousness of what's possible in schools and education. What initially attracted me to Karin was her incredible history and life experience that she has created for herself. Why I love working with her now is because she really believes in me and my potential- this is priceless and gives me the business framework and structure needed to make my dreams a reality. Karin Roest Rules!”



I want to sincerely thank you for all the time we’ve spent together this year, it’s been really excellent working with you. It’s certainly been more excellent for me than what I’ve made you aware of; generally I hang up from our conversations and feel electrified and ready to take action — that’s huge. You’ve lifted me to a place where I’m finally allowing myself to really believe in me and the abilities that I have. My certainty that you’re the one I’m supposed to be with and work with as I continue to make it “big” and make a bigger impact in the world is as clear as it was when we started having these conversations months ago. I have top respect for you.”



“Karin really has my best interests in her heart and really focuses on my individual situation. She is encouraging and challenging while understanding and her coaching never feels overwhelming or "canned." Before worked with her, I was overwhelmed with all the things I was learning about starting a new transformational speaker and coaching business. Now, I feel a lot more confident to talk about my business plans with strangers and to develop collaborative relationships wherever I go.

Every day I'm more committed to my work than ever before. I can finally see a clear path to achieve my goals!”



I’ve worked behind the scenes as a producer, talent agent, booking agent, celebrity scout, promoter and any other role as needed that would help get the job done right.

My work was either alone or with a stellar A-LIST team of managers, publicists, production crews, Fortune 500 executives in which we worked our rear ends off(!) to brand, market, and get the talent to the big stage.

Many people on these A-LIST teams and celebrities themselves have become authentic friends, others business partners, and some would not remember who I am because I was the “behind-the-scenes” girl working with their manager, agents, publicists, and crew making sure everything is executed properly.


As all people who work with celebrities and high-end clientele, we’re under strict confidentiality contracts to protect their identity… that’s why they pay us the big bucks:) Anyone in the industry knows that it’s like sudden death to your career as well as to your friendships if this confidentiality is broken. I joked once about writing a book about all the crazy stuff I had seen behind-the-scenes, and my colleagues didn’t talk to me for a week! It’s a very sensitive subject ☺

However, I’ll name as many names as I can or share case studies about their trajectories so you see how we can apply the same strategies for you.

The range of earnings from the public figures I’ve worked with: $5,000 USD to $500,000 per 40-minute speech, average 2-hour live performance fees paid were $10,000 USD to $1 million USD or more, or I’ve secured media and publicity opportunities with a reach of multi-millions of people worldwide only from an interview in the mainstream media.

I recently rebranded a company up to par with the same caliber of global forward-thinking brands such as Apple, Zappos, and Airbnb. It was a rigorous process to package their vision with scalable revenue streams but we succeeded and the company was ecstatic with the results.

I helped secure $30 million USD+ in investments and sponsorships for festivals and concerts.

Can you earn this much someday and get this much exposure? Anything is possible. Most people do not get to this level of income or impact, but I would love to see more people achieve that because I believe they can if they have the right guidance; that is exactly why I do this type of work.


CAA and William Morris Endeavor who represent the world’s top tier A-LIST actors, musicians, authors, and more.

I often hire copywriters from top advertising agencies like J. Walter Thompson, one of the world’s leading advertising agencies, so select clients can have the same caliber of branding and marketing jargon.

My network includes industry mavens who have helped no name authors become New York Times Best Sellers, to producing and marketing major world events such as the Olympics, Fifa World Cup, Rolling Stones to Beyonce concerts, to TED events and media experts connected to the New York Times, to the Ellen Show, or other primetime media outlets.

I have a number of behind-the-scenes friends who have directly helped numerous people reach the New York Times Bestseller lists and achieve other globally recognized awards or notable positions. We share information privately to help everyday people rise to the same levels and save time and money along the way.

I’ve produced live events globally with artists such as Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Pitbull, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, David Guetta, Tiesto, and many more.

For public figures, please note the list of categories again - Grammar Award winning musicians, Nobel Peace Prize winners, highly paid TED talk speakers, New York Times Best Selling authors, renowned philanthropists, the world’s top ranked electronic music DJs, Cirque Du Soleil performers - as I legally can not mention specific names. Neither one person nor I should take credit for making a Thought Leader famous (it takes an army) so I don’t want to give that impression that I did.

I interned at the United Nations in college and have since partnered with various global philanthropic entities over the years. I’ve worked with philanthropists who get paid on average $50,000 USD for one 40-minute speech.

I worked at AM ONLY, representing North America’s biggest electronic roster organizing David Guetta and Tiesto’s tours, and the Lavin Agency speaker’s bureau but was fired from both. After running my own successful projects for many years, it was a blessing in disguise as I learned there is an organized system to make people famous. I respect both of these companies but I wasn’t into their vibe or being part of that system.


My focus now is helping people from any background or social status who is committed to make a bigger impact and enough money to do so.

I’ve officially worked as a Thought Leadership Strategist for non-celebrities and private clients since 2013. Some of the results I’ve helped them achieve include:

A client made $8,000 in the first 2 days and $80,000 USD within two weeks of joining one of my group programs, based on only two signature templates I provided. I’ve made $20,000 USD in one hour from one prospect with the same template consistently as well and closed $100,000 paychecks from the same as well.

A client doubled his income based off of one profound yet controversial idea that the press loved. Now the media is coming to him, including major TV networks such as the Today Show and Good Morning America, and a documentary is in the works.​

Combining the best business practices from the multi-billion dollar coaching and celebrity industries, I streamlined the best practices because you need the best of both worlds, this has worked for myself and to help you get results the fastest and with purpose.

Over the years, I’ve also worked with a lot of “grumpy thought leaders” aka people who get famous too fast. When you’re in the big matrix of celebrity-hood, this is common. So I’ve made it a personal agenda to run my business with integrity and help others keep the same high standard. There’s no point in changing the world if you can’t be an upright person yourself. With my own business, I can make this a priority.


I've traveled to 40 countries but been based mostly in Asia and Latin America booking tours and producing tours since the year 1999. Big investors and sponsors had multi-million dollar budgets but no experience with Western talent, so asked me to find top Western talent for concerts and festivals. I booked the talent at Hollywood powerhouse companies such as UTA, WME, CAA, The Agency Group to negotiate fees and contracts, often setting up binders in escrow to make sure the artist would get paid, then worked with Management and the Artist's Publicists and in-house team for promotion, marketing plans, execution, etc.

At the events, I was in charge of executing on every detail in the contracts, from the merchandise sales, to guest lists, visas for the artists, flights, catering and backstage hospitality, accounting for the local promoter and taking care of the artist and their egos, :) ground transportation, media interviews, meet & greets, soundcheck, sound and lighting, staging, security, coordinating arrival and departure times, load in and load out, meanwhile keeping the artist, their entourage and friends, dancers, and production crew happy.

The biggest stand alone event was Britney Spears back in 2002, doing hospitality with her main Tour Manager for her and her A-Team + her crew of 100 that flew in just for these events and the local tech team in Mexico City of 100 people for 2 shows of 50,000 people each. Those were the biggest shows in the entire world from any artist that year.

For tours... I directly did David Guetta and Tiesto's tours with AM Only (now Paradigm). They have smaller crew but many, many back to back dates year round. I've done hundreds of DJ bookings and tours in Asia and Latin America since 2000 every weekend for years + 5-star hospitality for all.

In Asia, I did the Pussycat Dolls tour when they were the biggest girl band worldwide in 2009, then soon after Pitbull, Spandau Ballet, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in Hong Kong, The Rolling Stones in Abu Dhabi and Christina Aguilera but more on the production side for her in Malaysia and Curacao.

The Cirque Du Soleil shows in Asia where a dream but with 30-100 performers each gig, these were WAY more demanding than pop artists as their set up is super complex and dangerous if not set up properly.

People worldwide hired me because I know how to a Western artist needs to be treated in foreign countries so they walk away saying it's their best gig ever, even if uncontrollable chaos erupts behind the scenes.

Too often you'll travel overseas and the local promoters won't have things organized, the catering they promised isn't there, neither is the technical set up, or they just don't have the intuition to get a drink in your hand when you want it or take you to the best places in the city for sightseeing.

That is why I know EXACTLY what needs to be communicated in advance to anyone on the other side as I've been in there shoes myself.

I was a talent agent at the speakers bureau called the Lavin Agency, known for booking visionaries and thought leaders such as Nobel Peace Prize Winners and highly paid TED talk speakers. As wonderful as these people are, this was were I really saw that fame is a system and I felt like I was part of a system that created famous people but I didn't get to see or be part of the heart-centered part of it.

This was all a lot of work to do that pushed me beyond my comfort zone every day, especially being young and naive straight out of innocent Idaho. So that's why the year of meditation in silence helped so much to find my balance and purpose, I wouldn't be who I am today without going that deep and drastic.

This is why I encourage you to do the unordinary and go beyond what you think your limits are, because on the other side is the best version of yourself too.


I’ve always been the behind-the-scenes-girl, doing what I love, making a generous enough income to travel the world, spend what I want and where I want. Only recently have I chosen to launch what I do publicly because I have a dream to help as many people possible…because no one can do that alone.

I share the techniques I’ve used with clients so they get similar results which do not require a big online presence in the beginning by choice (thank goodness, right?). And social media is only one strategy of many that can help you make a big impact. You’ll learn more about how you can choose to stay behind the scenes, a minimalist, or philanthropist if you work with me.

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